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Hydraulic conference at Okayama, Japan

Annually, I submit a paper to Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering). The submission comes with an opportunity to present in the JSCE's conference on hydraulic engineering . Oftentimes, I would present a topic related to hydrologic or climate modeling. This year, I decided to present a collaborative work between me, a postdoc, and a former bachelor student of our lab. The work was entitled, "Future population distribution of an urban agglomeration given climate change scenarios". As the title suggests, we aim to predict the growth of population in a given grids. The model assumes the coupling between population and urbanization - where population grows, so does urban cover. The model relies on an urban growth model and general circulation model concepts such as the shared-socioeconomic pathways. My presentation was held last May 8, 2018. In the world of hydrologic research and even climate change, estimating population distribut...

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