Roasting coffee
The cheap way

It's not only where you purchased your coffee beans and its origin that decides the tastiness of your coffee, it's also the freshness and the roasting level of the coffee beans. Nowadays, there are online shops where you can order green coffee beans (e.g. Amazon). Green coffee beans can be stored for long periods in a normal room temperature (not too humid, not too dry, not too hot, not too cold) prior to roasting. Once roasted, the lifespan of the beans' quality could drop rapidly. It is analogous to peeling the skin of a fruit -- peeled fruits rot faster than unpeeled. The only hindrance to keeping green beans is actually how to roast them. There are expensive ways but a very cheap and quick method is introduced.

Prepare the following
1. Popcorn maker (less than $50.00)
2. Green beans
3. Bowl
4. Weighing scale (optional for measuring the yield, moisture content, and so on)

Next, the procedure to roasting is as easy as cooking eggs.

1. Preheat the popcorn maker by switching it on for 2 minutes.

2. Take the scooping device that comes with the popcorn maker and fill it with green beans (a little over 30g).

3. Insert the scooped green beans into the popcorn maker.

4. Switch on the popcorn maker. The time for roasting will depend on the power of the pocorn maker and your desired roasting leve. For my popcorn maker, it takes 2.5 minutes to roast a scoop of grean beans.

5. Store the roasted green beans for 12 hours to a day before brewing your coffee.

6. Enjoy!


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